One of the most common things we hear when we are out and about and a dog comes running at us is 'It's okay he's friendly'.
The response when you say 'I don't care, leave me alone', is often 'Well take your reactive dog elsewhere then'.
I fully disagree with that statement, but I also want to point out that there is MANY reasons why someone may not be interested in hanging out with you/your dog when they're out and about with their dog even if they are in a public place.
Effectively what you're saying when you say 'Well don't go to this public place with your dog then' is:
- Your elderly dog is not allowed to use the beach because my dog has the right to run right up/into him.
- Your small chihuahua isn't allowed in this park unless he's okay to play with my giant German Shepherd and be okay with being trampled because my dog has the right to say hi and play with your dog.
- Your dog who is recovering from surgery and can only do short walks is only allowed to do that on pavement but not in his favourite public park where he can watch the ducks because my dog has the right to say hi and play with your dog.
- You can't come here with your nervous dog to slowly teach him the world isn't so scary because my dog has the right to say hi and play with your dog even if they're not ready for it yet.
People with 'friendly' dogs don't get to decide where you walk your dog.
And before people go on about it: this is about any public space that dogs are allowed in on/off leash but are NOT dedicated fenced (off leash) dog parks.